What did new bms do?

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May 15, 2020
I have a 15 soul ev. Range was down to 50 miles and soh 67% via soul spy. Brought it into the dealer expecting a warranty battery replacement. They updated the BMS and now my car says 88 miles in range. Soul Spy reports 111.5% soh on 96 cells.

So what did bms change? Will my range stay up there or drop back down over the next week or so? Thanks
The data from the battery cells will not change, so I would say the updated software interprets the cell data differently. Whether the new interpretation is valid needs to be put to the test.

I suggest you compare the predicted miles to achieved over something like 80 miles.

The SOH value is explained in the SoulSpy FAQ. A brand-new replacement battery will show about 110%.. If yours is not new, maybe the updated software is not so valid. If you send the SoulSpy author, Henrik, a screenshot of your battery readout, he may have an insight.
The BMS needs to learn what your battery cells are like. It starts off showing full range but as it learns it will drop back to what was shown before.

You need to drive it and charge it several times, but watch out because the predicted range is wrong. Don't get stranded somewhere far away from your dealer or your house!

In Torque or Soul Spy there are counters for cumulative charge and discharge. These get reset to zero when the BMS is updated. Low values on these mean that the BMS hasn't had a chance to learn the battery yet.