Electric cars lack recharging stations

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Staff member
Jul 8, 2015
I'm going to quote the entire article from - Electric cars lack recharging stations
It's about Oslo in Norway, but I think Jeju will face the same problem from next year. Currently we have many hundreds of public and private c hargers, that easily handle the demand because every car has an L2 c harger at home. But what happens next year when we have 6,000 extra EV rental cars.

It’s tougher than ever to find available parking and recharging stations for electric cars in Oslo, and city officials warn it will get much worse. Even though they’re rolling out new recharge stations, demand is far outpacing supply.
Electric cars like the T esla M odel S have become popular in Norway, due in no small part to the tax breaks and other incentives offered by the government. The scheme is due to expire in 2017 or when 50,000 cars are sold, but the Labour Party announced on Thursday it'll push to have the incentives extended.

Only 64 percent of electric car owners in Oslo are able to charge their cars at home, and rely on public recharging stations.

The challenge, reported newspaper Dagsavisen on Wednesday, is that electric car sales are rising much faster than the recharge stations. City officials have had a goal of building 200 more every year, and they’ve already replaced many conventional street parking places all over the city. The city agency in charge, Bymiljøetaten, plans to open a brand new parking garage for 100 electric cars complete with recharge stations under the Akershus Fortress later this year, with another such garage due to open in the popular redeveloped Vulkan area in downtown Oslo.

It’s far from enough. Sales of electric cars in Oslo have doubled every year since 2011, and they include much more than T eslas. New, relatively low-priced models are rolling into the market with large battery capacity, able to drive much longer distances.

There are no signs the growth in electric car sales will slow, either. City officials themselves expect there will be around 100,000 electric cars in the Oslo area alone by 2020.

That’s in line with the city’s climate policy and thus a good thing, but officials are struggling to accommodate them all. There currently are only around 1,000 publicly funded elbil parking- and recharging stations in the city, plus another thousand in the private sector, mostly at shopping centers or in private parking garages. They don’t satisfy the need, however, for daily recharging.

Sture Portvik, in charge of the city’s elbil service, noted that Oslo also has special demands because far from all car owners have access to their own garage. Only 64 percent of electric car owners in Oslo are able to charge their vehicles at home.

That means as many as 36,000 electric car owners will have to share around 2,000 city-run charging stations. Portvik stressed that city officials are aware of the problem and working to ward off a “catastrophe.” He admitted to Dagsavisen, though, that while the city is pleased about the “great success” of electric cars rolling into the market, the challenge of building so many new recharging stations “sometimes feels like running after a train when you’re standing on the platform.”

An EU directive requires supply of one available recharging station for every 10 electric cars. That would require Oslo, for example, to build 10,000 stations by 2020, which is unlikely. Geir Rognlien Elgvin of the local elbil association (Oslo og Akershus elbilforening) worries that potential car buyers won’t choose electric cars for fear they won’t be able to charge them. The city’s largest electric car parking and charging lot is at Filipstad, and it’s full every day.
I agree with what Elon Musk said, EV charging should be like cell phone, charge at home.
Just like digital taking over film cameras, when EVs get to this day (over ICE), no public charging infrastructure will satisfy demand, and they should probably be reserved for long distance range extension and out town visitors.
Number of Public Charging Stations for Electric Vehicles in South Korea Surpasses 1,000

Jeju Island has the most charging stations at 273 and there are 113 and 249 rapid and slow c hargers respectively.

mysoulev said:
... EV charging should be like cell phone, charge at home...
I agree with this concept, it just doesn't easily fit reality. There are many people who don't have a regular parking space outside their home, and hence don't have their own c harger.

Here in Jeju, one of the main criterion to getting the government subsidy for an electric car in the last 3 years is that you must have the space to put a c harger. That rule was bypassed by many people living in apartments in the city. They officially registered their car at a relative's house outside the city. The c harger was installed there, but is never used. There are dozens of abandoned c hargers just in the few blocks near me. All the ones near me look tidy. The photo below sums up the situation better though. The slogan on the c harger states 'Clean Jeju'

Seeing that abandoned L3 sitting in a pile of garbage pains my heart! Can you ship it to my address in Toronto please, and I'll have it installed somewhere?

We have around 6 million people in the area I live, and maybe 6 or so L3 chargers, mostly in not so great locations.
I'm in Ottawa and while Quebec has L3 chargers in range, the nearest one in Ontario is one of those 6 in the Toronto area, over 400km away :evil:
JejuSoul said:
They officially registered their car at a relative's house outside the city. The charger was installed there, but is never used.
Perhaps in a few years, when autonomous driving becomes mature, these people can send their EVs to their relatives for over night charging :D
Just to clarify - the photo in the post above is a private L2 c harger. There's about 3,000 of these on the island. Jeju Island has been selected as the test bed for electric cars in Korea. Part of the reason the government subsidised all these c hargers is to jump start the local industry into designing and manufacturing all the necessary infrastructure. Lots of mistakes will get made in these early days. It will give them a better idea of how to manage the roll-out of EVs into the 99% of Korea that isn't on Jeju Island.

The first public c harging network on the island was put in place in 2011. (run by SK networks).


Many of those original c hargers have been sitting idle for years. (Chademo only!)


But in recent weeks there has been a big push to massively increase the number of L3 c hargers. The old sites are getting upgraded. (Triple plug)



In November Hyundai sold 1085 I oniq Electrics in Korea. -- http://news.heraldcorp.com/view.php?ud=20161204000118
I'm already seeing a lot more of these rental cars around.
