Ev soul +
Caribbean blue/white top
MSRP 36800
32,648 invoice
13,341 residual
595 acquisition fee
328 dmv fee
80 doc fee
1,048 cap reduction tax(not sure what this is)
Cap reduced price
34,699 -7,500 federal rebate - 6,000 KMF rebate
261.99 per month including tax / 0 down
Is this a good deal?
Just trying to get a feel for what else is out there.
Caribbean blue/white top
MSRP 36800
32,648 invoice
13,341 residual
595 acquisition fee
328 dmv fee
80 doc fee
1,048 cap reduction tax(not sure what this is)
Cap reduced price
34,699 -7,500 federal rebate - 6,000 KMF rebate
261.99 per month including tax / 0 down
Is this a good deal?
Just trying to get a feel for what else is out there.